Home > The 7th Founding Anniversary of Shan State Buddhist University (7th February 2023) Lecture Series

    The 7th Founding Anniversary of Shan State Buddhist University (7th February 2023) Lecture Series

    The 7th Founding Anniversary of Shan State Buddhist University  (7th February 2023) Lecture Series

    Shan State Buddhist University (SSBU) is organizing a two- days lecture series in marking the 7th Anniversary of Shan State Buddhist University, on the 4th- 5th February 2023. 


    The main Theme for this lecture series is “Pedagogical Approaches in Higher Education”.


    In this lecture series, we aim to provide our lecturers pedagogical learning approach and teaching method professionally and academically according to SSBU’s academic aims & policies. One of the academic policies, all faculty members have to present their syllabus in the academic training for further improvement continuously. Practically, we have not organized teacher training since Covid-19 Pandemic. Therefore, we find that now is a good time for us to organize this lecture series. 

    For more details, please go to programme.





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