An International Online Pali Conference

The two-day event on “An International Online Pali Conference: Sahadhammikanam "Dhammasakaccha "Dialogue Among Dhamma Students" successfully completed on 21-22 November 2020 as scheduled. It took place in the Dhamma hall and online platform via the Zoom Meeting.
This is in honour of the 56th Birthday Celebration of the Most Ven. Prof. Dr. Khammai Dhammasami, DPhil (Oxford), Founder-Rector of Shan State Buddhist University.

It was a successful event and 22 speakers from both home and foreign countries; Myanmar, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Spain, India, Malaysia and Lithuania presented the papers. Among the paper presenters, there were ten from SSBU.
Regarding to the Pali Speaking Conference organized by SSBU, it was the 3rd conference. It also remained the first time for the Zoom online platform internationally during the COVID-19 Pandemic Outbreak.

We would like to thank everyone for joining us.
To have a successful event, it is to thank to our conference coordinator, Ven. Dr. Pannyabhoga, PhD (Mahidol), Head of Tipitaka Studies, Shan State Buddhist University, for his wonderful working tirelessly until the event completed.
Last but not least, we also send our sincere thanks to moderators, paper presenters, MCs and all of SSBU working staff including our generous sponsors who supported and contributed towards the event. They are;

1. U Maung Maung (Chairman) + Daw Khin San Yee & Family, Yee Shin Co., Ltd., Nyein Hospital, City Hospital, Mandalay
2. Danathiha Co., Ltd, Yangon
3. Zeya & Associates Co., Ltd, Yangon
4. Kham Le Family Co., Ltd, Yangon and Taunggyi
5. Pann Pan Thu Family, Orchid Shop, Muse
6. Maung Maung Hman Saing family, Lashio
7. Mahabawdhi Buddhist Channel
8. Wichien & Patchathorn’s Family, Bangkok, Thailand.